We live in a busy world where the pace of life is fast and where sometimes adults can be too busy to allow children to learn to do things for themselves as it's much quicker to do things for them. Supporting our children from an early age to develop their self-confidence and independence so they start to take responsibility for themselves is crucial. Children need to be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of experiences to learn new and varied skills on their own, as this nurtures feelings of self-esteem that translate into a can-do attitude!
Crofton ‘I Can Do It!’ Award
- Each year group from Reception through to Year 6 will have 5 age-appropriate challenges to complete throughout the academic year.
- Once a challenge is completed, it needs to be signed-off by your child's class teacher. Your child will then receive a sticker for completing that challenge.
- Once a child has completed the 5 challenges set for their year group, they will receive a certificate in assembly.
- A child can only complete the challenges for the year group they are currently in.
- The activities should be supported by an adult at home e.g. showing a child how to switch on the oven, but the final activity should be completed by the child. However, the tasks have been set so that if the children are not able to be supported at home, the challenges can be supported / actioned at school via a club.

Please see your Year Group’s information pack for more details on each challenge.