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Breakfast & After School Club

We are delighted that you are interested in sending your child/children to our breakfast & after school club, which is run by Crofton Infant and Junior Schools and exists to provide high quality out of school wrap around care to our parents.

To register, please complete the form below. Once registration has been completed by our staff, you will be emailed confirmation and details of how to book and pay for sessions.

Registration form 

We offer the children a wide range of activities and we aim to provide a consistently high quality provision that the children enjoy attending and where parents have confidence that their children are having fun in a friendly and safe environment.  

Whilst at the club your children will be able to participate in a wide range of activities, with opportunities to play games, play with toys, participate in physical activities and arts & crafts, as well as having the space and opportunity to complete homework and use quiet areas to relax and read. Fresh water is always available for the children to drink and we provide a hot breakfast and a hot evening meal daily. 

Our Breakfast/After School Club is open to pupils in the Junior & Infant school - including Cubs over the age of 3. 

Breakfast Club

Our breakfast club opens from 7.15am, offering your children the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities and to enjoy a sociable breakfast, served between 7.15am and 8.15am.  The breakfast club is situated in the canteen and children must be brought on to the premises (no later than 8.25am) by the parent/carer whose responsibility it is to ensure that their child/children arrive safely to the club and that they are signed in. A member of staff will escort all children attending the breakfast club to their classroom in time for registration. 

After School Club

Our after school club runs  from the end of school until 6.30pm. Children attending after school club will be escorted by their teachers or teaching assistants, to the canteen or main hall.  Children in Year 2 will then be escorted over to Sparrow Hall, situated on the junior school site. On arrival, the children will have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of already mentioned activities.  An evening meal will be served between 4pm & 5pm in the canteen.  For those with alternative or religious dietary requirements a vegetarian option will always be available. 


BASC Links

Registration form  1st time registration
If you have arranged for an alternative adult to collect your child from the ASC please ensure they are 18 years or older and complete the below form by 2 pm on the day (or in advance if known) Collection Form 
If your child attends an Extra Activity Club on the same day they attend the ASC : Extra Activity Form 
If your child will not be attending the ASC, let us know by 2pm of that day (in advance if known) Non Attendance Form 


The cost of the clubs:

  • Breakfast club per session - £7.25 inclusive of the breakfast.
  • After School Club per session - £14.50 inclusive of the evening meal.

Payments are made at point of booking, via the Arbor app or parent portal.  We also accept all childcare vouchers and Government Tax-Free Childcare account payments for the Breakfast, After School & Holiday Clubs.

How to apply for Tax Free Childcare

It's free, takes around 20 minutes, You will need your details (and your partner's, if you have one), including your: National Insurance number, Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR), if you're self-employed Government Gateway account details.  To apply see below;

Apply for Tax Free Childcare 


For further information please contact Mrs Jarrett.